What’s important to know about an administrative warning?

When a medical professional finds themselves in a situation where they may be disciplined and are being investigated by the Office of Medical Professionals, there are a lot of potential consequences. If you have strong legal representation they may be able to help you work towards allowing you to keep your license. There may be situations in which you only receive an administrative warning.

An administrative warning is one of the more ideal situations because you will be able to continue practicing medicine. You should know that you are not completely off the hook with an administrative warning. The issuance of an administrative warning is one of the best case scenarios if the investigation against you finds that you were doing something wrong. These are issues for very minor offenses and do not technically count as being disciplined.

If you receive an administrative warning, it will not be posted on your physician’s profile through the New York State Department of Health, will not be reported to the National Practitioner’s Data Bank, will not be reported to the hospitals where the medical professional admits patients, and will not be reported to insurance companies that the physician allows it’s patients to obtain coverage. In addition, if the physician is asked under oath whether he or she has been disciplined, they will be able to say that they have not been disciplined in this instance unless they have been for another matter. If necessary, the Board of Regents will also state that the physician or other medical professional has not been disciplined in the event that someone inquires about this matter.

If you require a medical law attorney for your legal matters, call Paul E. Walker, an experienced New York City OPMC & OPD Lawyer. Please contact the Walker Medical Law firm to set up a free initial consultation.