Accepting Bribes Can Lead to License Revocation

There is a wide range of reasons for which a medical doctor could have their license revoked. If the Office of Professional Medical Conduct finds you were guilty of anything from substance abuse to sexual misconduct to insurance fraud, there is a chance that your career as a practicing physician will cease to exist as you know it.

One of the reasons for which a medical professional may be investigated by the OPMC and ultimately lose their license is because they made the decision to accept bribes from another party. A recent example of this situation arose in New Jersey, in which a medical doctor accepted roughly $200,000 in bribes from a blood testing lab where he would refer his patients. Not only will the doctor be facing over 3 years in jail and a fine of $125,000, but he also will never be able to practice medicine within the state again.

Accepting bribes will have a serious impact on your future. If you have gotten caught up in a situation where you have either bribed or accepted bribes as a medical professional, you should consult with an experienced medical defense attorney immediately. Your attorney will work with you to prepare you for your OPMC hearing, which should be done as soon as you receive a letter from the OPMC stating that they will be conducting an investigation into accusations against you.

If you require a medical law attorney for your legal matters, call Paul E. Walker, an experienced New York City OPMC & OPD Lawyer. Please contact the Walker Medical Law firm to set up a free initial consultation.