If you have been accused of sexual misconduct as a medical professional, you may face a wide array of serious consequences if you are found guilty. Being convicted of sexual misconduct or inappropriate sexual contact with a patient could risk your medical license being revoked. You may also face criminal prosecution if a civil lawsuit is opened against you. This may result in incarceration.
It is important that you retain the services of an experienced New York health care professional defense lawyer if you have been accused of sexual misconduct. You require an attorney in your corner who will work to disprove these allegations to retain your medical career and livelihood.
What should I do if I’ve been charged with sexual misconduct as a medical professional?
It is crucial that you retain the services of an experienced medical misconduct attorney if you are facing charges of sexual misconduct as a medical professional. Your attorney will help you to visualize your options moving forward. You will no longer have a viable offense if you plead guilty to these charges and you will likely lose your medical license. If a civil suit follows your plea, you will likely be charged with a misdemeanor or felony and you will face overwhelming legal fees. To avoid this, our experienced attorney will take all the necessary precautions to move forward. We will work to avoid these repercussions as best we can.
How will I know if a patient has reported me for sexual misconduct?
If a patient has reported you for sexual misconduct, you will first receive a phone call from the patient where they will refer to the sexual event and state how it was wrong. You should not acknowledge that the event took place if you receive a phone call such as this. These calls are typically taped by the District Attorney’s office. If you confess to being involved in this event, you will likely be indicted for assault. In this instance, you may have to pleas guilty simply to stay out of jail. You may be sued for damages if the OPMC is notified of this incident. You may also risk having your medical license revoked immediately.
If your livelihood and career are at risk after being accused of sexual misconduct, our firm is here to help. You do not need to proceed with this legal process alone. Give our firm a call today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you through this daunting time.
Contact our experienced New York City firm
When a medical professional is accused of misconduct, they must retain strong legal representation. If you require a medical law attorney for your legal matters, call Paul E. Walker, an experienced New York City OPMC & OPD Lawyer. Please contact the Walker Medical Law firm to set up a free initial consultation.