An OPMC attorney is someone who deals with OPMC, being the Office of Professional Medical Conduct, which governs the practice of physicians and can take their licenses from them. In another field, it’s the Office of Professional Discipline with the Department of Education where they are dealing with all other licensed practitioners such as nurses and dentists, etc. People who do what I do, lawyers who do what I do, deal with these people all the time and understand the consequences and the seriousness of the acts that are charged. They know how to tell the clients to talk at an interview, how to explain things, and how to investigate and find out what really did go on. What can I say? I have to make sure I’m not going to lie at this investigation because lying at an interview is something that will really get you in trouble because the Office of Professional Medical Conduct probably already knows the truth and lying about it will get you nothing but more heartache.
When someone comes to me, I sit down with them and I try to make it as reasonable as possible as to what is going to happen. Do we have to sign a consent order? Do we have to agree to some sort of punishment? In fact, can we get out of this completely? Is there a reasonable explanation for what went on? I sometimes bring expert reports from other doctors saying that what was done was perfectly reasonable. Other documents come into play, too numerous to talk about here, but suffice it to say you have to have someone who knows how to get those documents, how to present them, how to interpret them, and to make them help you.
Sometimes OPMC doesn’t give you a choice and they make you go to a hearing. The only choice they are giving you is to surrender your license. In every case, you will go to the hearing and take your chances because they are giving you no choice in the matter. Experience is important. What is also important is the relationship the OPMC lawyer has with the attorneys at OPMC. I’ve dealt with them for at least 15-20 years. I know most of the people down there and I try my very best to stay on good terms with them. I understand what they’re trying to do and they understand what I’m trying to do. I think that it helps my clients in the long run to get the best possible result.
Walker Medical Law honorably serves the greater New York area representing physicians and other medical providers facing legal and license issues. If you need our assistance for your legal matter, contact our New York office for a consultation.