If you are a medical professional working at a hospital, you hold a certain duty of care to your patients. So when you are accused of breaching this duty of care, a hospital may take administrative action against you or even fire you. Follow along to find out what happens if a hospital fires you after a misconduct claim and how one of the New York attorneys proficient in OPMC/OPD misconduct defense at Walker Medical Law can be of any assistance to you.
What happens if a hospital takes administrative action against me?
If you allegedly performed a certain type of conduct that your employer, a hospital, was not happy with, then they will likely lead an investigation against you. And if this investigation does not go well, then they will likely take administrative action against you. This may mean suspending you, placing you on probation, or telling you that you are now prohibited from performing a certain type of medical procedure.
Afterward, a hospital may even go as far as reporting the incident to the New York Department of Health. From here, the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) or the Office of Professional Discipline (OPD) may conduct their own investigation against you and even send you a letter asking you to explain yourself in an interview. And if this does not go well, then this may lead to further restrictions on your medical license.
What happens if a hospital fires me for a misconduct claim?
If your alleged medical misconduct was quite severe, a hospital may even go further than suspending you or demoting you. Rather, they may decide that your misconduct constitutes a firing.
Similar to when a hospital takes administrative action, your firing based on a misconduct claim will prompt the OPMC or the OPD to request a hearing. At your hearing, you will have to explain yourself and the issue at hand, why you did or why you did not do what you have been accused of, etc.
Sometimes, it is best that you just admit that you have committed misconduct and that you are taking the necessary steps so that you do not do this again. This is because the OPMC or OPD will also interview witnesses and other claimants and compare their stories against yours.
Overall, you cannot be too prepared for this hearing. Because if it goes awry, they may order the permanent revocation of your medical license. So, whether you have had administrative action against you or have been fired under false pretenses, or if you generally need assistance with defending against your misconduct claim, you must retain the services of a talented attorney of OPMC and OPD misconduct defense. Call us today.